The default neutrality is not always useful, resulting in soldiers ignoring hostile mobs as they butcher everyone in town. Manually define target lists of mobs that the soldier NPCs are willing

There's quite a few issues with Ancient Warfare that make it too hard for me to integrate: alas, it was not to be, at least for my mod mix. If you want to see Ancient Warfarein action, Yogscasts' Sjin is doing a wonderfully executed series centered on it. Overall, this is an awesome, awesome mod. It has a warehouse with a built-in sorting system, as well as courier NPCs that can move things from building to building, and crafting NPCs that can create things for you automatically - who needs Applied Energistics 2? You can outfit all of the NPCs with armor and weapons, too! It has working waterwheels and windmills, something I thought was awesome in Resonant Induction. In comes Ancient Warfare, which does indeed provide workers and soldiers who need to eat, you can even order around a little army of them to defeat your enemies. This screenshot from the manual shows a windmill and waterwheel powering two farms and a lumber production area.

Millenaire wasn't quite there, partly because recent updates to Forge had broken its compatibility with Minecraft 1.7.10, and Minecolony's development is not quite fast enough to keep up with the state of mods in general (they probably need to make a core API). I was looking for "villagers" that would perform useful tasks while simultaneously resolving the glut of food with a need to eat, thereby turning Minecraft into a bit of 4X game you can play from the inside. The Ancient Warfare mod for Minecraft threw me for a loop.